5 Things to Optimize on your Mobile Ecommerce Website

You have probably heard it a million times - If you sell online, you need a mobile optimized website. Today, more than 50% of the traffic on your website is mobile.

How are you making sure this traffic converts into sales instead of just window shopping?

You know you must shift to a better mobile ecommerce website and stop thinking in terms of desktop ecommerce, but how can you do that? In this post, we will talk about some of the simplest, yet often overlooked factors in optimizing an ecommerce website for maximum conversion.

1. Optimized Images for Faster Loading Times

Mobile ready websites are not geared to handle high-resolution images compared to the desktop. As images rely on the 3G/4G connection, optimizing them (reducing file size) enables them to load quicker. Also take into consideration the size of the real-estate (screensize) on the mobile.

Having too many images may be counterproductive. On a desktop it is fine to have 10-15 product images, on a mobile, that may not be a wise strategy. Reduce the number of images to half, and also decrease their file size, for pages to load faster.

2. Website Content

Long worded descriptions are great on the desktop, not so much on the mobile. By cutting back on the content size, you increase a user’s interest to be engaged. Long written paragraphs distracts the customer from impulsive buying and has the potential to disengage their interest.

Keep the content (copy) concise, well-worded and engaging.


3. Flow

From the moment a customer stumbles on your website, how many steps to a successful checkout? Write all these steps down, in detail.

Now, how many steps can you cut?  This is the real challenge and it is not going to be easy by any means. Put yourself in a customer’s shoes - cut down a step and see if the experience was smoother or were some vitals lost in the experience? You’ll have to do plenty of A/B testing to get this right.

By reducing the number of steps for a successful checkout, you decrease the probability of shopping cart abandonment.

4. Checkout Form (and Registration)

Face it, people hate filling out forms.

Especially forms that are poorly implemented and where mistakes are not corrected (for example a form that does not check for email syntax, etc.).

Consider using OAuth and see if that would suffice for automatic form-filling. Don’t make your users fill out billing and shipping information separately if both are the same.

Ask yourself, what is the minimum amount of information required for you to fulfill the sale and ship the product (if applicable).

5. Use a Simple And Efficient Mobile Payments Solution

Paying with a debit card in the Eurozone is a hassle. You have to get your card reader out, pair it, enter the card details, and then pay for it.

This is friction.

As we discussed in a previous post, making the payment process simpler on mobile devices is essential to increasing your conversions because it gives users a convenient and efficient method of paying for your products through their mobile device.


Consider using the Sign2pay mobile payments solution for your mobile ecommerce website. It is as simple as signing with your finger on the screen and you’re all done. Payment made. Frictionless in every manner.

We hope these five optimization tips help you trim the fat on your mobile website for a more smoother m-commerce experience.

If you would like to learn more about how Sign2Pay is helping merchants all across Europe with their mobile strategy and mobile payments, contact us for a demo and let us help you get the conversions your business deserves.


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